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501 Burns Lane
Winter Haven, FL 33884
(863) 325-8494

Birthday parties

Birthday parties are normally two hours long.  Parents can arrive up to 20 minutes before the scheduled start time to decorate and make other preparations.


Activities may include:  obstacle course, tumble tramp, foam pit, parachute, jump rope, hula hoop, rope swing, air castle, relay races and games.


The children spend approximately one hour in the gym before breaking to celebrate in the party room.  The birthday celebration usually takes 30 to 45 minutes.  Whatever time remains of the two hours, the children spend in the gym.

If the party has more than the planned number of children an additional charge of $10 per child over the limit for that price range will be assessed at the time of the party.  For example:  a party planned for 7 children and 10 show up, the total cost would be $115.

Party pricing

  • 1 to 8 children:  $95
  • 9 to 16 children:  $125
  • 17 to 24 children:  $155
  • 25 to 32 children:  $185